Babbling 'Brooks'

Just here for therapy

Corona-diary the one with no clean undies

Ok so since all this started what feels like a million weeks ago when it was actually only really 3/4 days ago, the one thing that didn’t really change was our evenings. Like ‘normal’ we have our tea, dishes, maybe watch some family tv, have some supper, read and go to bed. So you see by the time I get into bed my mind has convinced me that nothing has changed and I fall into a relatively decent sleep.

Then my alarm goes of at 7am, I still need a routine, and I get up, go to the bathroom etc, give the kids a nudge and go and then I go downstairs to make a cup of tea and I see my ‘home office’ and that’s when it hits me, It’s still here, I’m still at home for the rest of the day, and it’s like this every. single. morning.

And I ‘see’ people getting excited cos it means they can enjoy the sunshine or they can sit in the garden with the kids and yet, despite knowing this isn’t forever, a massive, huge wave of panic hits me. It’s not because I don’t love being at home with my kids, or because I can work in my pyjamas – which by the way I never do – it’s just, I don’t know the not knowing? The not being able to see what all of our lives will look like in 3 or 4 weeks time, maybe longer.

And I know everyone, or most people are feeling the same, but some days, like today, it overwhelms me.

And to top it off, I’ve been at home now since Friday, and Henry has just shouted down to tell me he has no clean underpants.

That never happened when I went ‘out’ to work.

Stay safe x

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About Me

Happily married mum of two.

I used to write to be creative and imaginative and to keep a skill I once had.

Now, since losing my dad last year, I write for therapy
and to remember.