Babbling 'Brooks'

Just here for therapy

Corona-diary the one where it’s all shit then we clap

So yesterday was shit, it started off shit, we went to the tree for the millionth time and I sat there while the kids climbed the tree, it was shit, I made tea which was shit, I got a massive headache and had NOTHING to take for it which was also shit.

Then at 8pm we went and stood on the doorstep and clapped. I live on a long lane, NOT long lane but A long lane, and there’s huge gaps between the houses, mostly because, apart from my tiny house all of the other houses are huge (this too is shit), and we never see anyone, and we go out every New Years Eve to sing and never hear anyone. But last night we heard clapping, not from the radio or the TV, but actual humans clapping like some kind of animal documentary and all of a sudden it wasn’t shit ,it was emotional and it made me smile that maybe everyone who was clapping had also had a shit day but they were clapping.

I went indoors, I still had a headache, so I went to bed at 8.30. I hope today will not  be shit.

Stay safe

3 responses to “Corona-diary the one where it’s all shit then we clap”

  1. I won’t mention t***** r****, but hope today isn’t so shit! Stay safe 👍😁😘


    1. Haha that made me laugh apologies for the language, stay safe xx


  2. Annie Harrington Avatar
    Annie Harrington

    The only way is up! One up from ‘shit’ is ‘not so shit’ then ‘not really shit at all’ then ‘not bad really’ then ‘really not bad’ then ‘almost good’ then ‘good’ then ‘great’ then ‘brilliant’. If I were you I’d skip all the middle bit and go straight to ‘brilliant’ !!! Keep smiling Clare xxx


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About Me

Happily married mum of two.

I used to write to be creative and imaginative and to keep a skill I once had.

Now, since losing my dad last year, I write for therapy
and to remember.